Music is light, in sound and word
Singer/Songwriter/Playwright and Guitarist, Scott Cole Fulton has over the years written hundreds of songs in a variety of genres, though perhaps he is best known for his acoustic/folk compositions. Scott has always seen music as an agent of healing, whether the brokenness is personal or societal. While he performs and writes principally for secular audiences, he has through the years also written a large body of music for spiritual settings, some of it for "The Companions" -- a group with which he performed for years that straddled the secular/spiritual line. He has also been commissioned to write a great deal of music for children in church settings (for, e.g., Vacation Bible School (VBS), and puppet productions), and he based his play "Miriam", a full-length musical centered on empowerment of women and the unifying potential of faith, on a passage from the Christian Bible. Whether secular or spiritual, Scott's songs sound universal themes and seek to break down barriers. His music has been recognized for its originality and lyrical creativity, and has been enjoyed by people all around the world.
News & Updates
As I am currently living in Rome, Italy, there is little to report that is useful. I do play from time to time over here, but most of my musical attention is being devoted to catching up on recording projects.
"I have not yet begun to tweet" SCF

Scott Cole Fulton
Scott Cole Fulton
Scott Cole Fulton
Scott Fulton